"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last you create what you will." -- George Bernard Shaw

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." -- Winston Churchill

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Interests vs. passions

I attended a seminar in high school that has really stuck with me, and frankly, bothered me a bit. The subject of the seminar was "Finding your passion."

From the dictionary on my computer-
passion |ˈpa sh ən|
1 strong and barely controllable emotion : a man of impetuous passion. See note at emotion .
• a state or outburst of such emotion : oratory in which he gradually works himself up into a passion.
• intense sexual love : their all-consuming passion for each other | she nurses a passion for Thomas.
an intense desire or enthusiasm for something : the English have a passion for gardens.
• a thing arousing enthusiasm : modern furniture is a particular passion of Bill's.

Here I am addressing the intense desire or enthusiasm for something.

Also from my dictionary (much quicker to copy and paste than actually go downstairs, get my dictionary and type it in)-
interest |ˈint(ə)rist|
1 the state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone : she looked about her with interest.
• ( an interest in) a feeling of wanting to know or learn about (something) : he developed an interest in art.
• the quality of exciting curiosity or holding the attention : a tale full of interest.
• a subject about which one is concerned or enthusiastic : my particular interest is twentieth-century poetry.
2 money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent, or for delaying the repayment of a debt : the monthly rate of interest | [as adj. ] interest payments.
3 the advantage or benefit of a person or group : the merger is not contrary to the public interest | we are acting in the best interests of our customers.
• archaic the selfish pursuit of one's own welfare; self-interest.
4 a stake, share, or involvement in an undertaking, esp. a financial one : holders of voting rights must disclose their interests | he must have no personal interest in the outcome of the case.
• a legal concern, title, or right in property : third parties having an interest in a building.
5 (usu. interests) a group or organization having a specified common concern, esp. in politics or business : the regulation of national interests in India, Brazil, and Africa.

So, when does interest become a passion? Passion seems to be an intense form of interest; passion perhaps begins with interest and gradually builds. To what extent are we satisfied pursuing our interests instead of our passions?

Some individuals seem to be blessed to know their passions and to have their passions be something to which they can fully devote themselves. Other individuals are not so lucky, they may not have a clear sense of who they are enough to know what truly interests them in order to discover their passion. It would be a sad thing, to be swayed and tossed by the world to accepting interests and perhaps even claiming a passion that is not one's own.

Here's to hoping that we are all fortunate enough to find our passion.