"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last you create what you will." -- George Bernard Shaw

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." -- Winston Churchill

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

To my dad- part 2- memories

As I was up with Ellie last night, I had some time to think and I started with remembering moments with my dad. Here a few of the highlights I could think of.

  • Going to hunt woodchucks with him, I think our total for an afternoon was 22 or 23, I'm pretty sure that was also the day he killed the rattlesnake and gave me the rattles.
  • After he and mom gave me a camera for my 16th birthday, he and I went out exploring and saw some pretty cool places around Orderville, on one of the occasions he took a picture of me with the AR-15, wish I could include it, but, oh well, we had fun.
  • Skipping MIA to go get a load of wood with he and Grandpa Esplin (maybe that's where I went wrong :).
  • He helped me pick out John James (my first car, the Plymouth Laser), turned out he had known the lady who owned it before. It was kind of fun to watch him try to cram himself into the car with the seat where I had it.
  • Jeeping in Steep Trails when he put the jeep in 4-lo and got out and walked a long side for a bit.
  • He does this whistle thing at times, not an out and out whistle (although he can do that too) but a humming whistle, used to bug mom when he would do it during songs at church.
  • hhmm-hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm (inside thing)
  • How many people actually know about cv-boots in a car? Well, he helped me change an outer cv-boot on Edward (the little geo I drove my first year at college) and an inner cv-boot on John James (and that shortly after surgery without a compression thing for the spring). How amazing is that? (don't you love my terminology?)
  • Calling him to have him drive home through Cedar one day after he got off of work at Deseret Laboratories to have him help me put together my desk.
  • He went with me to pick up the t-shirts for the student council, making me drive the Jeep, and remained quite calm when I was the first person in line at a light on the Boulevard and killed it.
  • I could always call on him when my vehicles had a problem.
I have many memories of my dad, and these are but a few. I'm sure those of us who know him all have our own little memories of our interactions.

1 comment:

down in the valley said...

The hum the hymn thing didn't bother me during the hymn itself, but when he did it during the sacrament and while speakers were speaking is when it got to me! :>) Lots of good memories.