"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last you create what you will." -- George Bernard Shaw

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." -- Winston Churchill

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Tonight, my littlest one came to my room crying and sad. I picked her up and she put her arms around my neck and hugged, and wrapped her feet around me. I put in our bed and tucked her as she said, "Thanks." I sang her her song and then went back to what I was doing. She blew me a couple kisses before she drifted off to sleep.

So many feelings in life. They may be an abstract concept but they are very real. For instance, I really wanted to say "There are so many feelings in life" but after all these years, having had Mrs. Wanda pound it into my head during English that you can't start sentences with "there is," "there are," or "there was" because they aren't subjects, I still can't do it. Such a simple thing, but the effect is there.

Feelings can uplift and strengthen or they can drag us down. Some of the best feelings I've felt are love, friendship, hope, happiness, joy, etc. and it doesn't get much better than having little arms around your neck. The diversity of feelings never ceases to amaze me. What would life be like without feelings? Would there be any meaning to existence? I don't think so.

I'm glad for the feelings I've experienced, even those I didn't enjoy at the time I felt them such as sorrow, despair, hopelessness. Without the comparison the good wouldn't seem as good. So, I will continue to throw myself into each new day, intent on experiencing feelings to the fullest, wringing out every last drop to make the experience more full.


down in the valley said...

Very well said.

I sure love ya!!!

Alex said...

That's the real kicker, isn't it. I always cringe a little bit inside when I hear people say they'd do things differently if they could go back and start over, when it's those very experiences they've had that developed them into a person who would want to do them differently.

Every experience we have shapes us into who we're becoming, to the point that the feelings and the experiences become indistinguishable from who we are.